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Beach & Garden Weddings, Commitment Ceremonies, Elopements, Receptions, Flowers and more!
Say Yes in Key West
​Getting a Florida marriage license is VERY easy.
- Fee is $93.50.
- There is no waiting period for non- Florida residents (Florida residents have a 3 day wait).
- You must obtain your license in Florida but you do not have to get married in the same county in which you obtain your license.
- Blood tests are not required. Witnesses are not required at the wedding ceremony.
Congratulations to our same-sex couples!
We are proud to do LGBT same-sex weddings in Key West.

​Requirements for Florida marriage license:
Applicant must be eighteen (18) years old to obtain a Florida marriage license. Sixteen (16), and Seventeen (17), year olds must have both parent's consent. If you are younger, parent's consent/consent of a County Judge, and proven pregnancy may apply, depending on the age and situation. Both applicants must appear in person at the time of application.

Applicant's must provide a valid picture-type ID, with date of birth shown. (Driver's License, passport, student ID Card, Military ID, or Alien Registration Card.) There is no residence or citizenship requirement.

Prior marriages:
If either applicant has been previously married, the exact date of the last death, divorce, or annulment must be provided. You should bring a copy of your divorce decree with you at the time of application.

Time limit:
The license must be used within sixty (60) days from the "effective date".
Below is the effective date criteria:
- If both parties are Florida residents there is a three (3) day waiting period (from the date of issue), before the marriage ceremony may take place. Waiting period can be waived both parties attend a premarital class and present certification of the attendance to the clerk at the time of application. This class must be taken thru an authorized provider listed in Monroe County. Original certificate of completion is required at time of application. List of providers is available upon request.
- If only one of you is a Florida resident and the Florida resident takes the course, there is no waiting period.
- If both parties are out of state residents, there is no waiting period.

A marriage may be performed by regularly ordained clergy, judiciary, State of Florida notaries, the Clerk of the Circuit Court, and Deputy Clerks.

$93.50 (cash or check only in Monroe County). The exception is if both parties are Florida residents, have both provided proof of a premarital class cost is then $56.00.

Recording of Florida marriage licenses:
After the marriage, the person who performed the ceremony must return the license, within ten (10) days, to the marriage license section, where it will then be recorded in the Official Records. Until that license is received, there is no record of the marriage. After recordation, a certified copy will be returned to the newlyweds, by mail. The original license is sent to the Office of Vital Statistics in Jacksonville. The process takes approximately 3 weeks.

Get Florida marriage license by mail:
 It is also possible to obtain Florida marriage license by mail. It could be especially helpful if you are coming off a Cruise ship and the Courthouse is closed on the date needed...
Please contact us for the information on how to get Florida marriage license by mail:

Marriage License Information
NOTE: The Courthouse is closed for holidays
Call the courthouse to check their working hours and availability

Courthouse locations for obtaining Florida marriage licenses:
500 Whitehead street
Key West, Florida 33040
Telephone: (305) 294-4641
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday (except holidays)
Metro-Dade Flagler building
140 West Flagler street, Suite 1501
Miami, Florida 33130
Telephone: (305) 275-1155
Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday (except holidays)
201 S.E. 6th street
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
Telephone: (954) 831-6565
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday (except holidays)
You do not have to get married in the same county in which you obtain your license.