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​Traditional vows:

     I, (Bride/Groom), take you (Groom/Bride), to be my (wife/husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward, as long as we both shall live.
     In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live.

Key West Weddings

Traditional vows - 2:

     (Name), I take you to be my lawfully wedded (husband/wife). Before these witnesses I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live. I take you with all your faults and your strengths as I offer myself to you with my faults and strengths. I will help you when you need help, and I will turn to you when I need help. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life.

Non-traditional vows:
     (Bride and Groom), todays bond of marriage is the first step toward the life you will share together. Please face each other and join hands.
     (Groom) please repeat:
     I, (Groom), take you, (Bride), as my friend and love, beside me and apart from me, in laughter and in tears, asking that you be no other than yourself, in all the ways that life may find us.
     (Bride) please repeat:

​     ï»¿I, (Bride), take you, (Groom), as my friend and love, beside me and apart from me, in laughter and in tears, asking that you be no other than yourself, in all the ways that life may find us.


Vow to child from new step-parent:

     (Bride/Groom) please repeat:
     I promise to love (child) for all of our days and to treat her as if she was my own. I gladly accept the obligations that go along with this pledge. I love (child) and want her to be a part of my life. (Note: at this point a special gift such as a ring or necklace may be presented to the child.)

Ring exchange:
     (Bride and Groom) you have chosen to exchange rings as the sign and seal of the promises you are making today. The ring is an ancient symbol of such vows, as the circle is considered to be the most perfect form of all forms in nature. As one unbroken circle, your ring symbolizes your unending love and commitment to each other.
     (Groom) as you place this ring on (Brides) finger, please repeat after me:
     (Bride), I give you this ring, as a symbol of our marriage, for today and tomorrow, and for all the days to come. Wear this ring as a sign of my love, and as a constant reminder, of the promises we exchange today.
     (Bride), as you place this ring on (Groom's) finger, please repeat after me:
     (Groom), I give you this ring, as a symbol of our marriage, for today and tomorrow, and for all the days to come. Wear this ring as a sign of my love, and as a constant reminder, of the promises we exchange today.

Ring exchange - 2:

     I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness. As I place it on your finger, I commit my heart and soul to you. I ask you to wear this ring as a reminder of the vows we have spoken today, our wedding day.


Sample Vow Renewal Ceremony

  When you first joined hands and hearts ___ years ago, you did not know where life would take you. You promised to love, honor and cherish one another through all things. Life has surely brought you both wonderful blessings and difficult tribulations. Therefore, you have fulfilled your promise. So, as you come here today to reaffirm your wedding vows and as you reflect back over all the years as husband and wife, you now reaffirm the vows you took __ years ago.


     Officiant: (Husband), please repeat after me:
     I, (husband), take you, (wife), once again as my wife. I pledge to love and honor you as my beloved; to be faithful in body, mind, heart and spirit; to take care of one another through all the seasons of life, for as long as we both shall live.
     Officiant: (Wife), please repeat after me:
     I, (wife), take you (husband), once again as my husband. I pledge to love and honor you as my beloved; to be faithful in body, mind, heart and spirit; to take care of one another through all the seasons of life, for as long as we both shall live.

Ring exchange:
     Your rings are the sign of the vows you made ___ years ago and the promised you are making today. The ring is an ancient symbol, as the circle is considered to be the most perfect form of all forms in nature. As one unbroken circle, your ring symbolizes your unending love and commitment to each other.
     (Husband/wife) Repeat after me:

I give you this ring, as a symbol of our marriage, for yesterday and today, and for all the days to come. Wear this ring as a sign of my love, and as a constant reminder of our commitment to each other. May you always care for each other in all sadness... and give cheer to each other. May you give strength to each other in all undertakings. May your future bring more of the same, and your love remain strong and true. May you live long and and happily in each others arms.

The pronouncement:
    Officiant: Having reaffirmed your love and commitment and proclaimed your intent to continue in the sanctity of marriage, it is now my pleasure to pronounce you, once again....husband and wife. You may now kiss your Beloved.

You are welcome to create your own wedding vows, that makes it very nice and personal!

Please make sure to speak to your wedding officiant regarding this.

Key West wedding ceremony vows
Sample Wedding Vows
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